Russia: Artists painting en plein air in Rostov Veliky

One of the artists being filmed.
Embassy of the Netherlands in Moscow.

Russia: Artists painting en plein air in Rostov Veliky

An event took place in July aimed at engaging with a shared heritage site in new and artistic ways.

On 4 and 5 July 2020, the historical town of Rostov saw a live artistic event, dedicated to the earthen fortification built in 1632-1634 by the Dutch engineer Jan Cornelius van Rodenburg. Some twenty Russian artists from various cities came over to Rostov to be inspired by the old ramparts and bastions. The artists, who painted ad vivum and built installations, were photographed, filmed and interviewed, as the project envisages the creation of a photo book and a short film about the two-day plein-air event. See here a glowing account by one of the artists, Julia Proshutinskaya, who shared her photos and impressions (in Russian).

Using shared heritage for multiple and local purposes

The project is executed by the Rostov NGO ‘League of Heritage Keepers’, the publishing house ‘Yaroslav the Wise’ and supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Moscow. The project initiators aim to make the fortification a venue for outdoor events, activities, concerts etc. to increase the feeling of ownership towards the monument. Last year, a book about this shared cultural heritage site was published in the framework of the same project. The book included personal memories of Rostov’s inhabitants who lived near the fortress, a historical description, a guide and a map. 

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